Slower Ladybug off-screen rendering performance with ATI graphics cards.

Last Revision Date: 5/26/2014

In some cases, customers using ATI graphics cards to perform off-screen rendering of images from Ladybug series cameras should expect slower performance. In particular, performance is diminished when image width in pixels is not a multiple of 8 or 64.

The following table of  example results was produced with an Asus ATI EAH3450 graphics card. Performance times are measured by invoking Ladybug API functionladybugRenderOffScreenImage(). In this case, performance is diminished when image width is not a multiple of 64.


1919x1024 806 ms
1920x1024 136 ms
1921x 1024 805 ms
2047x1024 855 ms
2048x1024 143 ms
2049 x 1024 859 ms

Similar results were observed with other ATI cards, including ATI Radeon X1650 and ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro.

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