5 Must-See Presentations at InfraMation 2016

InfraMation is quickly approaching, and with so many great presentations, workshops and clinics available, it’s going to be tough to fit them all in. Aside from our 3 keynote speakers (Casey Anderson, Corbett Lundsford, and Jan Gasparic), we’ve highlighted a few presentations that you’ll want to check out.

1. UAV Applications for Thermographers, presented by David Weisman

Drones have exploded on the technology scene, but what do they have to do with thermography? David Weisman, co-founder of J-D-Eye LLC, introduces attendees to a number of areas where thermography and UAVs already intersect.

Date and Time: Tuesday, September 27 at 1:30pm

2. History of Infrared Science and Technology, presented by Klaus-Peter Mollmann

How did the underlying science and understanding of thermal imaging technology develop? Klaus-Peter Mollmann, from the University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg, will take attendees through the history of infrared science from the last millennia. He’ll also speculate on the direction that thermal imaging is heading.

Date and Time: Tuesday, September 27 at 10:45am

3. Predictive Maintenance and Risk Management, presented by Geoffrey Generalovic

Geoffrey is a retired maintenance electrician with 40 years of experience, as well as a Level III ITC thermographer. It’s safe to say that Geoffrey knows a thing or two about the risks associated with predictive maintenance. Geoffrey’s presentation will explore the definition of a risk, and how using infrared can help professionals avoid those risks.

Date and Time: Wednesday, September 28 at 11:15am

4. Thermal Imaging Bat Surveys, presented by Kayleigh Fawcett

Bats are vital to natural ecosystems and human economies, but their populations are threatened globally, largely due to human activities. Kayleigh Fawcett is a Senior Ecologist specializing in bats, and she’s a big believer in the power of thermal imaging, as a non-invasive method for observing bat populations. Kayleigh will walk attendees through the advantages thermal imaging provides in her academic research projects.

Date and Time: Thursday, September 29 at 9:15am

5. Bridge Deck Scanning Using Infrared Thermography, presented by Masato Matsumoto

Did you know that when bridge inspectors determine the conditions of structures, it’s usually subjective? It all depends on individual inspector knowledge and experience, along with varying field conditions. It’s not exactly a comforting thought, considering people depend on bridges to be safe to drive on. That’s why Masato and his team at NEXCO-West started researching whether infrared cameras might be a more effective means for bridge inspection. Masato will take attendees through the process of the research project and the exciting results.